Retinoids are the most important part of your skin care routine. Why? Because they stimulate cellular turnover, collagen production, and prevent wrinkles, breakouts, and dark spots from emerging (including cancerous growths). Everyone over the age of 25 should be using a retinoid product dispensed by a doctor.
Our 3 retinoid products:
1. RA 0.025% is the mildest form of tretinoin that we recommend for first time users. Start with 1-2 times weekly and work your way up to every other night.
2. Tretinol Serum 0.5% is a retinol, meaning it is an encapsulated form of tretinoin. This provides a gentler delivery, but the percentage is high so it is still considered a second step product. This Serum also contains Vitamin C for a two-in-one product.
3. RA Cream .1% is the strongest form of tretinoin we offer which is recommended only for certain skin types that have immense exposure to Vitamin A (aka tretinoin).